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Hiking and water

On land, on the water and in the air


Or hike piece by piece our beautiful region. You will find a variety of signposted regional and national routes. One of the best known is certainly the already mentioned pilgrimage Berlin - Bad Wilsnack, which leads across the Dosse-Seen-Land. So it goes via Barsikow on Metzelthin, to the market of Wusterhausen with the Wegemuseum and the parish church of St. Peter and Paul, along the shore of the idyllic Untersees only a few meters from the hotel "Waldschlösschen", through Rehfeld with the newly renovated village church, along the Nature reserve Königsfließ to Berlitt with its castle and the church, continue on the Plattenburg to Bad Wilsnack. If you prefer water, you have different options. Take the passenger ship, a rowing boat, a canoe or try your hand at stand-up paddling - there are no limits to water fun.


For those who like it more spectacular, sightseeing flights or balloon rides from the airfield on the outskirts of the city are an obvious choice. You will be rewarded with a fantastic view of the Kyritzer old town and the chain of lakes.

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